3 Treatment Options For Varicose Veins In Your Legs

Do you have varicose veins in your legs? If so, you may not be happy with your leg's appearance. In severe cases, the veins may actually cause intense pain. Varicose veins can form anywhere, but they're very common in legs. That's because there's a tremendous amount of blood pressure in your legs, especially when you stand or move for long periods of time. As you age, your veins may have trouble handling all that pressure. As a result, they can bulge and become twisted, so much so that they form unsightly bumps underneath your skin. The good news is that you have options. Here are three common solutions for treating varicose veins in the legs:

Lifestyle changes. If you're in the early stages of having varicose veins, you may be able to reduce or eliminate them just by making simple changes to your lifestyle. Losing weight can make a big difference. The more weight you're carrying, the more blood pressure you'll have in your legs. Try a healthier diet along with moderate exercise. Also, change your position often. If you have to sit all day at work, take frequent breaks to walk around. That will encourage blood flow and will help to open up the veins.

Compression socks. You can find compression stockings online or in your local pharmacy. They're strong socks that squeeze your legs to help push blood through your veins. The assistance of the socks helps blood flow more freely. Over time, you should see your varicose veins start to dissipate. At the very least, you'll stop the onset of more varicose veins. It's important that you get socks that place just the right amount of pressure. Your pharmacist or doctor can help you find the right pair.

Vein stripping. This is a good option if all others have failed. In a vein stripping procedure, a vascular surgeon from a clinic like Cedar Surgical Associates PC actually removes the varicose veins from your legs. Your blood continues to flow through other veins that entrenched deeper below your skin. Vein stripping is an outpatient vascular surgery with a fairly quick recovery time. However, it's not right for everyone. If you have other blood pressure or blood flow problems outside of the varicose veins, then you may not be a good candidate for the procedure. Removing some of your veins will only make those other problems worse.

Consult with your doctor and with a vascular specialist about whether vein stripping may be right for you. They can tell you how your body may respond to the procedure. 
