Ragweed Allergies: What Should You Do To Ease Your Late-Summer Symptoms?

For many people, late summer is still one of the best times to enjoy the great outdoors, travel, or do other fun activities. However, late summer is also one of the most prevalent times for allergies, including ragweed allergies. If you spend most of your free time sneezing, coughing, or rubbing your itchy eyes, take heed. Learn more about ragweed allergies and why they flare up below.

What Facts Should You Know About Ragweed?

Ragweed is a flowering plant or weed that grows in many areas of the United States. The plant relies on pollen to reproduce and grow along the riverbanks, roadways, and residential areas in your community. If you're not allergic to pollen, ragweed might not be a problem for you. However, people who are allergic to pollen-producing plants can suffer a great deal during the summer and fall seasons.

Ragweed pollen can attach itself to your clothing and shoes. Pollen can also adhere to your dog or cat's fur and paws when they play outside the home in a field or park. Some fruits and vegetables also carry ragweed pollen, including watermelon, nuts, and bananas. People who consume these foods raw can experience allergy-like symptoms over time.

The information above is just a sample of things you should know about ragweed allergies. If you do suffer from late-summer, or even early-fall, allergies to ragweed, see an urgent care doctor now.

What Else Should You Consider About Ragweed?

Ragweed allergies can disrupt your life during the day and night. Although some allergies to ragweed can be mild enough to go away on their own, many of the symptoms can linger throughout the season. If your symptoms are severe enough to disrupt your life or cause you great distress, an urgent care doctor can help.

An emergency clinic or doctor can run tests on your skin to see if you have allergens to pollen. If your tests return positive, a doctor may treat your symptoms with special allergy-inhibiting medications. The medications may include allergy shots and oral antihistamines. After your symptoms subside, a doctor may offer other treatments to you.

You may need to take your allergy medications two weeks before ragweed or pollen season arrives. The medications may keep your allergy symptoms from acting up. An urgent care facility will discuss everything you need to know about your treatment when you arrive.

For more facts, information, or tips on how to keep your ragweed allergy symptoms at bay, contact an emergency health services facility today.
