3 Reasons Why A Child Or Young Adult May Benefit From Counseling

There are counselors out there that have been specifically trained to help children and young adults. They can help them for a variety of very different and very important reasons that can help them to improve their lives for the better. This article will discuss 3 reasons why a child or young adult may benefit from counseling.  Abuse Whether a child or young adult has suffered from emotional, physical, or sexual abuse, counseling is very important. Read More 

The Causes Of That Annoying Snoring (And How To Treat It)nav

Your partner is tired of sleeping through that snoring sound. You're tired of waking up with a sore, dry mouth. When it's time to make that snoring go away, you have several options. From simple drug store remedies to surgery, one or more techniques will give you both a more restful night. Here is what is causing all of that noise and how you can get rid of it. Unobstructed Breathing is the Key Read More 

Is Your Child Struggling With Lazy Eye?

Children suffering with amblyopia can only see good out of one eye while the other sends the brain blurry, extremely out of focus images. This condition can be treated when caught at an early stage. If one of your little one's eyes is moving in an unusual manner and he or she seems to have trouble with vision in the same eye, seeing a pediatric optometrist soon is important. Amblyopia, commonly called 'lazy eye', can lead to permanent vision loss in the affected eye if left untreated. Read More 

Dealing With Fat Pad Impingement

Individuals who play sports that require running or jumping are prone to injuries involving the patellar tendon -- the tendon that attaches the bottom of the knee cap to the top of the shinbone. Injury and pain make it hard to straighten your knee. If the pain you are feeling in the front of your knee is caused by fat pad impingement (or Hoffa's syndrome), a sports medicine doctor or physical therapist can help. Read More 

Donating Your Body To Medicine When You Pass: What You Should Know

If you've ever considered donating your body to science for students or research after you pass away, you know that this is a wonderful way to support training physicians and providing tissue to fight diseases like Alzheimer's and cancer. It can also come with a wealth of questions about the process. Here are a few things you may not have realized. What Are the Benefits of Whole Body Donation? In addition to the altruistic benefits mentioned above, whole body donation after death has many good sides: Read More