Coping With Infant Reflux

Infant reflux is a condition in which the contents of a baby's stomach are spit up. While some infants painlessly spit up the milk they have consumed, most babies experience pain as stomach acid burns their esophagus. An infant with reflux may cry often, have problems sleeping, and if the reflux is severe the baby may experience problems gaining weight. Reflux is tough on an infant, and it can be equally rough on parents to care for a baby with reflux. Read More 

What To Expect From Arthroscopic Surgery For A Torn Rotator Cuff

It only takes a second to put enough stress on your shoulder to injure the muscles and tendons surrounding that joint. This is a common sports injury, but it also happens when lifting heavy items or reaching up over your head for something on a high shelf. If your orthopedic doctor recommends arthroscopic surgery to repair the damage, you'll have a shorter recovery period than if traditional surgery is done on your shoulder. Read More 

3 Tips For Keeping Your Skin Moist And Healthy

Many people suffer from dry, itchy and irritable skin. It may seem that each day your skin is cracking, painful, and even flaky. Luckily, there are some things that you can do to keep your skin healthier and avoid the dryness. Here are a couple suggestions. 1. Drink More Water What many people don't understand is that your skin doesn't get moisture from the outside; instead it comes from within the body. Read More 

The Causes Of That Annoying Snoring (And How To Treat It)nav

Your partner is tired of sleeping through that snoring sound. You're tired of waking up with a sore, dry mouth. When it's time to make that snoring go away, you have several options. From simple drug store remedies to surgery, one or more techniques will give you both a more restful night. Here is what is causing all of that noise and how you can get rid of it. Unobstructed Breathing is the Key Read More 

4 Reasons Why You Should Shop Organic

Organic food is slowly making headway in conventional supermarkets, but many shoppers still don't see what all the fuss is about. "Why should I pay more for something just because it's labeled as organic?" they might ask. There are so many great answers to this question--check out just four reasons below why you should start shopping organic, whether for yourself or for your family.  Clean Water Non-organic farmers use pesticides to ward off insects that might ruin their crops, and while the effects of pesticide use on food is constantly debated, one thing is certain: pesticide runoff into valuable water sources isn't good. Read More