Tips For Helping A Child Prepare For An MRI

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an advanced test that doctors sometimes need in order to diagnose a child or otherwise help them achieve optimal health. The MRI will create pictures of internal organs and structures within the body. During the MRI, images can be taken from a variety of angles, which often makes them particularly helpful. Sometimes an MRI is needed alongside other testing like ultrasound exams and X-rays. If your child needs to get an MRI, you may have anxiety, but it's important to focus on preparing the child in a calm manner. Read More 

Frequently Asked Questions About Ledderhose’s Disease

Ledderhose's Disease, also known as planatar fascial fibromatosis, is not a common condition. Still, this disease that causes the deep connective tissue in the foot to thicken can be a nuisance. While minor initially, Ledderhose's Disease can eventually cause the toes to stiffen and walking to become painful. If you have questions about the condition but are not sure if you should call the doctor, refer to this list of questions and answers that may help solve the problem. Read More 

Should Couples That Abuse Drugs Or Alcohol Together Go Through Treatment Together?

Intimate couples tend to share everything with each other—and that can include addictions. It isn't unusual for both partners in a relationship to struggle with addiction together. If that's the situation that you and your romantic partner are in, you may both find that it's easier to kick your addiction when you kick it together. Here are some of the benefits of going through substance abuse treatment as a couple. 1.) You'll both quit using at the same time. Read More 

Is It Ever a Good Idea to Stretch Before Working Out?

Stretching is a beneficial and important part of staying healthy. Stretching properly increases your flexibility and helps protect you against injury, but you have to do it in the right way and at the right time. For a long time, stretching before exercising was the thing to do, but now stretching after exercising is seen as correct. But are there any times when stretching before is good? Really, there's only one time. Read More 

Stop Whistling: 3 Common Causes Of Hearing Aid Feedback

If you've been fitted with a new hearing aid, you might not be prepared for the unexpected sound effects. People who wear hearing aids often experience an unexplained whistling sound in their ears. This sound, which is referred to as feedback, can be quite annoying, especially when you don't know why it's happening. Luckily, the whistling sound doesn't mean that there's anything wrong with the hearing aids. If you experience a whistling sound when wearing your new hearing aid, use this troubleshooting guide to identify the cause. Read More