The Causes Of That Annoying Snoring (And How To Treat It)nav

Your partner is tired of sleeping through that snoring sound. You're tired of waking up with a sore, dry mouth. When it's time to make that snoring go away, you have several options. From simple drug store remedies to surgery, one or more techniques will give you both a more restful night. Here is what is causing all of that noise and how you can get rid of it. Unobstructed Breathing is the Key Read More 

4 Reasons Why You Should Shop Organic

Organic food is slowly making headway in conventional supermarkets, but many shoppers still don't see what all the fuss is about. "Why should I pay more for something just because it's labeled as organic?" they might ask. There are so many great answers to this question--check out just four reasons below why you should start shopping organic, whether for yourself or for your family.  Clean Water Non-organic farmers use pesticides to ward off insects that might ruin their crops, and while the effects of pesticide use on food is constantly debated, one thing is certain: pesticide runoff into valuable water sources isn't good. Read More 

Evaluating Your Candidacy For Hormone Replacement Therapy For Menopause Management

HRT can do a lot for treating many of the symptoms that come with menopause. There are various options for administering HRT, from pills to creams to various other methods. Unfortunately, not all women are candidates for hormone replacement therapy. What Can Complicate Your Candidacy There are various factors that your healthcare provider must look at before he or she can recommend HRT. If you have any of the following conditions, then you are not a good candidate for HRT. Read More 

Understanding the Early Warning Signs of Parkinson’s

With a few well-known celebrities receiving the diagnosis, Parkinson's disease has received more media attention in recent years than it has in the past. Unfortunately, that coverage hasn't necessarily led to increased awareness of the subtle signs of the disease. Instead, it's known as the condition that causes tremors and motor skill problems. The truth is, there's more to Parkinson's disease, and the sooner you understand the early warning signs, the better. Read More 

Is Your Child Struggling With Lazy Eye?

Children suffering with amblyopia can only see good out of one eye while the other sends the brain blurry, extremely out of focus images. This condition can be treated when caught at an early stage. If one of your little one's eyes is moving in an unusual manner and he or she seems to have trouble with vision in the same eye, seeing a pediatric optometrist soon is important. Amblyopia, commonly called 'lazy eye', can lead to permanent vision loss in the affected eye if left untreated. Read More