What To Expect During Your First Reiki Treatment

Reiki is a form of energy healing that has become more common in the United States over the past few years. It's not intended to directly treat any acute condition, but it can help encourage the body to utilize its own natural healing processes, and it can be very helpful for dealing with generalized issues like stress and emotional turmoil. If you have scheduled your first reiki appointment and it is on the horizon, you're probably starting to wonder what you can expect. Read More 

Effective Ways To Prevent Sports-Related Injuries For Athletes

If you're active in a sport — be it basketball or soccer — injuries can happen from time to time. However, you can do your best to prevent them by following this sports medicine protocol. It can help you compete without having to worry as much about major injuries. Consult With Sports Physicians You're not alone when competing in any sport. There are plenty of resources available that can help you become a more educated athlete and subsequently do things that reduce your risk of injury. Read More 

How CBD Gel Affects Your Body

CBD gels can be used for several purposes, including to experience a pleasant sensation. However, a lot of consumers of CBD gels use them to alleviate pain and also because of the cooling effect of the gel. If you have a muscle or joint where you are experiencing pain, you can massage the gel into the joint and experience rapid and natural relief.  Applying CBD Gel CBD gel, also known as hemp extract gel, can be used whenever needed and is applied directly to the area that is experiencing pain. Read More 

Suffering From Erectile Dysfunction? Check Your Testosterone Levels

Erectile dysfunction is a common problem in many males of a certain age -- but that doesn't mean you must resign yourself to living with the condition. In many cases, the inability to achieve or maintain an erection is directly related to low levels of a hormone called testosterone. If you suffer from "low T," as this problem is commonly called, you have a number of options for addressing this imbalance, from testosterone supplementation to lifestyle changes that can improve your hormone production. Read More 

Ragweed Allergies: What Should You Do To Ease Your Late-Summer Symptoms?

For many people, late summer is still one of the best times to enjoy the great outdoors, travel, or do other fun activities. However, late summer is also one of the most prevalent times for allergies, including ragweed allergies. If you spend most of your free time sneezing, coughing, or rubbing your itchy eyes, take heed. Learn more about ragweed allergies and why they flare up below. What Facts Should You Know About Ragweed? Read More