Plantar fasciitis is a painful foot condition you can get due to a sports injury or wearing the wrong kind of shoes that don't support your feet. The plantar fascia is a band of tissue on the bottom of your foot. It connects your heel with your toes and it forms the arch of your foot. Stress on the tissue causes tiny tears that lead to pain and inflammation. It may take weeks for your foot to heal.
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Wellness centers are wonderful places to go if you would like to improve either your mental health, physical health, or both. They provide a variety of services for their clients and do in-depth examinations and testing to create the best treatment solutions for their patients. This article will discuss 3 treatments offered at a wellness center.
Hormone Therapy For Women
If you are a woman feeling sick, having trouble losing weight, feeling emotionally unbalanced, etc.
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According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, a person with a total joint replacement should take antibiotics before going to the dentist for any invasive procedures. This is because this puts you at risk of developing hematogenous infections where your prosthetic is located. Below is what can happen to you if you fail to take your antibiotics, as well as the treatment you will receive.
Failed to Take Antibiotics
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Are you romantically involved with an HIV-positive partner? Are you well-aware of the risks of sexual intercourse, but not so clear on whether or not digital stimulation could expose you to the virus? If so, read on to find out.
A Small But Real Risk
HIV travels from person to person only through blood, semen, rectal and vaginal fluids, and breast milk. It does not travel through the air, and it cannot be passed from one person to the other by saliva, sweat, or teardrops.
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Your doctor may recommend a colonoscopy if you have problems such as blood in your stools. The test allows the doctor to see inside your colon to look for polyps, inflammation, and signs of colon cancer. A colonoscopy might also be recommended as a cancer screening test even if you have no symptoms. The American Cancer Society recommends a colonoscopy at age 50 and every ten years thereafter. If you have a strong family history of colon cancer, your doctor may want you to take the test more often than that.
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